Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mama D: Part 2

My mama D is someone that I've always looked up to, since the day we started swapping stories of our lives. She is, without a doubt, one of the strongest women I have ever met. She has been through the ringer, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually - and this woman still has this zest for life that I've only come across a handful of times. She owns her past, including the good, bad, and ugly, and doesn't apologize for being who she is - and that's one feisty woman.

Due to my living in Iowa and Donna living on the East Coast, as well as my being a penniless college student at the time, visiting each other hasn't been something we've been able to do very often. But since our first in North Carolina, I've been lucky enough to visit her, as well as a few of my other LOST mamas, a few more times.

I flew to Florida for two weeks in May of 2011 to visit Donna and our beloved friend (my mama B) Beth, who, at that time, was in need of some extra physical help. Donna was living with Beth at the time and this was also my first time meeting my mama B, as well. A few other LOST mamas joined us on this trip as well, some flying from across the country to be there! Needless to say, it was a crazy, funny, emotional, and love-filled trip. Saying goodbye to each of them was just as difficult as it was to say goodbye to Donna that first time.

We were getting into some mischief of some kind that night...

In 2013, Donna and Beth (who are sisters in every way but blood), invited me down to visit for another two weeks, this time in Alabama where they were living at the time. Again, another one of my LOST mamas joined us (she and I have more of an Aunt/sister relationship though 😉) from across the country for one of the weeks I was there. It was another trip filled with relaxation, midnight margaritas, love, and lots of LOST re-watching lol.

Said midnight margaritas - they were very good, if I remember correctly. 

This trip, however, was the last time I was to see my beloved Mama B, though.

Beth passed away suddenly the following year, devastating all of us and everyone who knew her. Donna was with her during her last days, keeping us all up to date on her condition. Sisters until the end, of this life, as least. Sisters in the next as well <3 It was three years ago yesterday, actually, July 17, 2014, that we said goodbye to our Bethie. Part of this blog is dedicated to her, today.

I have one more left in store for this series on my mama D. so stay tuned to learn more about this amazing, beautiful, funny, and vivacious woman and why I want you to know her the way I do.

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