Friday, July 7, 2017

My Mama D: Part 1 - A Series

In one of my previous blogs, I shared about my relationships with the many "mamas" I have across the country and world. Well, I wanted to share some stories about one of my mamas in particular, Mama D - also known as Donna :)

When my mother passed away in September of 2010, I was at an extremely low point in my life. It was hard for me to get out of bed to go to work most days. I was a nanny during that time and those little ones brought me so much joy and love into my life, but some days even they couldn't entice me out of my room.

By January 2011, I was very depressed and on the brink of losing my job. Thankfully, that's when Donna and I connected and started discussing me making a trip out to North Carolina to spend a week with her. Now, let me remind you, at this point in time, I had never met Donna in person. But I had spoken on the phone with her many times, laughed with her until I cried, cried to her about missing my mom... but I had never met her face to face. I knew it would be a challenge for my dad to be okay with me flying to the East Coast to stay a week with a "complete stranger," but somehow, he gave me the okay to visit. Even payed for the plane ticket for me to fly there.

I wasn't nervous to meet Donna. I already loved her and cherished our friendship. She was a mother to me in many ways, but she was also fun and spunky and full of life. When I got off the plane, she was waiting for me in the airport with a big smile on her face. It's one thing to see pictures of someone and hear their voice on the phone, but to finally be with them? It's such an amazing and surreal experience. There's a part of you that knows this is the first time you are actually seeing them, but at the same time, you feel like a part of your heart has been there the whole time. She wrapped me in big hug, both of us giddy with excitement. And then off we went!

We drove to her house on Carolina Beach, right on the Atlantic ocean. I had never seen the Atlantic ocean, so naturally I spent quite a bit of time out walking on the sand, staring at the water. I even made sure to dip my toes in the surf (just once) in the middle of January, which naturally made Donna laugh her butt off. But I had to say I did it! Hello! ;)

Our time together was like a week long slumber party. We both slept in her bed (with her cat, Big Kitty) under her favorite Red Sox blanket. We drank wine and laughed until we cried. We'd watch our favorite episodes of LOST while snuggling under the warm blankies. She and her son introduced me to "Upta Camp," a hilarious stand up by Maine comedian Bob Marley (real name, btw). I'm fairly certain we listed to it all the way through at least 2 to 3 times. My face and stomach hurt from laughing so much.  (Here's a link to Marley's stand up: Upta Camp)

We went on a ferry to another tiny little town where I got some fun little souvenirs for some of the kids I watched back home. The ferry ride alone, though? Even then we belly laughed the whole ride because we kept trying to take a good picture but we couldn't stop laughing. And then, because we were laughing, our eyes were pretty much invisible in pictures, so that just allowed more hilarity to ensue.

I was holding her eyes open so we could see them while laughing :) 
 We would hang out on her porch and look out at the ocean while drank coffee and smoked cigarettes. We could even see dolphins jumping in the mornings. For someone from Iowa, that alone was pretty amazing. 

We even got our first tattoos together when I was there! My tree on my left wrist I got while in North Carolina, while Donna had a verse in Hebrew tattooed on her back. I remember the tattoo parlor was amazing, especially for the Marvel/DC nerds who came in because the entire floor was made up of comic books! I was very excited for many reasons that day :) I mean, check out this floor, you guys!

When it came time to leave, Donna put a tie-dyed stuff animal cat in my arms to snuggle with on the plane back home. We cried when we said goodbye. I never wanted to leave... I was at home away from home, and I didn't want to go back to reality. Especially without my Donna. We said our tearful goodbyes and I love yous before I had to go board my plane. I sat in my seat, put my headphones on, held my new cat tightly, and wept as quietly as I could as I looked out the window until we were in the clouds.

This wasn't the last time I saw my mama D, but I do believe this trip was the beginning of what truly bonded us and connected our hearts forever.

I have much more to share about Mama Donna, but that will have to wait until Part 2 of this little mini blog series :)

God bless, you guys <3

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