Thursday, July 20, 2017

My Mama D: Part 3

Alright, friends. This is why I wanted to share my dear Donna with you all. Remember how I told you how feisty she is? How much zest for life she has? It's been ripped away from her. Well, not her feisty ways... I think that is just permanent 😉

Donna has a rare auto immune disease that has literally taken over her life. There have been times when she's gone into surgeries not knowing if she will come out of them alive. I don't have the right words to describe all that she's endured the last 15 years since this disease began to destroy her body. In her own words, "I have had numerous major surgeries to replace my large blood vessels, not once, but twice in many cases. I have had two heart attacks and surgeries too numerous to count. I deal with chronic pain and I live in a state of toxicity everyday, because while on dialysis, any type of dialysis, your body is only cleared of about 10% of the toxins that your kidneys would normally filter."

This is what Donna deals with daily. This woman who dedicated herself to helping others for 22 years as an RN, is now living in a sickly state every. single. day. The disease has disabled her permanently, and now, it has caused her kidneys to fail. If I am correct, I believe one is already completely useless. Donna survives because of her dialysis. Donna also survives because she's a damn fighter - always has been, always will be.

And now, my mama D needs help. Because she can't make enough money (due to her having to live with a disabling disease) she hasn't been able to get the proper care she desperately needs. She's had to drive 700 miles just to meet with a surgeon! Bottom line - she needs a kidney transplant and needs the money just to get healthy enough so she can get one.

Donna absolutely despises asking for money. It's a humbling experience and one that I have definitely experienced myself. So for my mama D, I am asking on her behalf. She has a Facebook page set up as well as a youcaring page (I will include links below). Donna has always given 110% of herself to others; her children, her grandchild, her friends, her parents, not to mention her many patients. And now she needs help.

I will share with you a prayer that I prayed to God before one of Donna's major surgeries - one that I continue to pray for her today as well: Dear Heavenly Father, I beg of You to save Donna's life. Please, Lord, don't take her from me. Don't take away another mom from me. Don't take away a mother of three, God, because I already know the pain of losing a mother, and I know what it's like to still need them after they're gone. Please spare her children that pain, Father. Please, don't let another family lose their mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, and friend. I beg You, Lord. Amen.

I prayed this before a surgery that we weren't sure she would survive. I remember her calling from recovery, crying. I remember sinking to the floor when I heard her voice and silently thanking God for getting her through the surgery.

But I still pray the same prayer - because Donna needs a kidney. Without the transplant, she will die. This woman hasn't even hit 60 yet, people.

So I am sharing my prayer with you as well. Help me save my Mama D. Prevent another family from losing their mom, their grandma, their daughter, their sister. Help me save someone who has always helped me even when she was sick. I ask you to donate and share. Help me spread this to as many people as possible so that she has a chance at getting her life back - because she has so much more life left and more people to help.

Thank you all for reading about Donna.

People need to know who she is.

So they know who they are saving.

Listed below are links for more information and donation:

A Kidney for Donna

Click here to learn more and donate!

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