Thursday, May 4, 2017

Justice for Nanette

In a previous post of mine, I shared the abandonment I have experienced by my mother's side of the family. I have been accused of lying, of not having my "facts straight," etc. Everything in that post, came from my mother's mouth. I watched her suffer when she found out her family was talking about her behind her back. I watched her curl up in her recliner and cry over the pain she felt over not being able to see her grandchildren when my brother kept them away from her. I watched her drink herself into a stupor because she was in so much pain over her past and the losses she suffered along the way.

One of my aunts from my father's side of the family confirmed that what I wrote was true as she spoke with my mom at great length about what happened to her. My mom was a lucky one, though. She found GOD. She found sobriety. She found peace even when she tried to reconcile with her father after 16 years of separation and met only hatred and anger. My mom was a GOOD woman who loved her children, her husband, her sisters, and her family. But she was never good enough for them. But she was damn good enough for me and my father.

I believe that my mother wanted her story shared. That she still wants it shared. How many kids could be saved by just telling one person about what happens at home behind closed doors? How many lifelong and deadly addictions to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain could be avoided by no longer allowing this to happen?

Read the letter my mom left for my brother and I. The very one I was told to keep secret and then told to burn when I decided I wouldn't hide her words anymore. I'm going to shout until the whole world hears what happened to my mom... what eventually led to her early and tragic death.

To my family: I'm not attacking you. I am not trying to hurt you. But I will not let my mom's story just disappear like you all would like it to. I won't sweep it under the rug anymore. She deserves some kind of justice. Someone to fight for her and stand up for her. I couldn't save my mother, but I will send this to the four corners of the earth if it means one child is spared the pain my mom went through. You want to challenge me and accuse me of "bringing the family down" with all of my lies? Knock yourself out. Just because you've bought me things or sent me money does not entitle you to control my life - who I date, where I work, how much money I make, and what I even post online. This life was given to me for a reason and I do not intend on spending it trying to be someone I am not.

********The post I am going to share contains graphic descriptions of my mother's abuse. If you have encountered any type of sexual assault or molestation, please be aware that this may cause triggers for you. If reading this causes too much pain, I urge you to take a step back give yourself a break. Just know that you are not and will never be alone in what you have gone through. ********

Chris helped me with this and posted it on his Tumbler blog (which you should really check out - he's a great writer) in an effort to protect me from any backlash. He offered to be the sacrificial lamb for the people who are angry about this letter. But as he protects me, I will protect him as well. All names and addresses have been blacked out to protect those involved. Please read this and share. My mom wanted her message to be heard. Help me help my mom the way I wasn't able to when she was alive.

1 comment:

Dear Juliet...

For my Juliet. The minute I saw the sun shining on you, making all of your little puppy fuzzy fur light up, I knew you and I were meant to...