Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Little About Me

I am a Christian.

I have a bachelor's degree.

I have three crazy and beautiful dogs

I have a boyfriend who I thank God for everyday

I love reading - young adult novels being my favorite

I'm a movie buff

I was binge watching TV shows before it was even a thing!

My mother died when I was 21-years-old

I go to therapy and I am very proud to share that

When I was little I wanted to be an archeologist because I thought it might be like  "Jurassic Park"

I wanted to be an actress - part of me still wants too

I can play the drums, though I haven't practiced in awhile

I can juggle

I love Eminem...

But my favorite composer is Michael Giacchino

I want to write my story, no matter how hard it might be.

I want to write my boyfriend's story, no matter how hard it might be.

And someday, I want to write our story.

I love the smell of my dogs' snouts

I secretly like the smell of gasoline

The worst feeling in the world is wet socks


I'm fairly certain I could live off of a diet of cheese alone.

You'll learn much more as these blogs continue, I promise. I just needed to get the important stuff shared first ;)

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