Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Let's See How This Goes

I've dreamt of being a writer for many years now.

I love writing - telling my story, telling fictional stories... I even enjoyed a good essay here and there while in college.

But I continued to push it aside; ignore the occasional impulse to plop down with my laptop and type away. Why? There was always some excuse, something else that demanded my attention or some TV show beckoning me to binge watch.

I guess I felt like writing wasn't something I could make money doing. And somewhere along the line, I subconsciously decided that this was just another childhood dream that needed to be boxed up. "I can always write when I'm older" was the general line I would give to those who challenged me: "Why not just write now?"

I trudged ahead anyway, working countless jobs that never truly fulfilled me even though they were all within my field of study. But that's the way it's supposed to be, right? You work, you're responsible, you pay your bills. That's just life, isn't it?

I recently had a conversation with my father. He listened while I wept over, once again, my current unemployment. And then he asked me a question that I honestly do not believe he's ever asked me before: "Bailey, why don't you do something you actually enjoy?" I sat there for a moment, and all I could say was, "I like writing." My dad immediately encouraged me to begin a blog. So while I am still currently looking for part-time employment, I decided, "hey... I gotta start somewhere."

So here I am, 5 days after this conversation, finally starting my blog.

Some of it will be stories (mostly true) from my rather unusual life. Some of it will be rambling about my day. And some of it might be little stories I've had cooking in my head for awhile.

It doesn't really matter, in the end, though. Because this is my own journey, and I'm going to just ride along with it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome start! I'm sure you have some good material. ;)


Dear Juliet...

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